Make stories up in your head with the worst case scenarios?
Self sabotage or beat yourself up when you fail and fall in life?
Get stuck listening to the critics and fear mongers in your life and neglect your own personal journey of struggle and joy?
Want to have more joy, gratitude, contentment, authenticity, courage, calm and creativity in your life?
Need resources and support to help you through any life transition?
Feel it is time to become more empowered to make positive changes in your life.
Uncover your values to making positive decisions in your life
Understand the power of “story” in your life
Recognize emotions and how they impact your life
Explore vulnerability, shame shields, grief, trust, forgiveness, boundaries, integrity, generosity, anxiety, criticism
Feel more confident and accepting of yourself
Learn how to write a new ending to your story.
The Rising Strong™ Program is offered in the form of:
Small group coaching
One-on-one coaching
Weekend-intensive programs
Workshops - speaking engagements
Please contact me for more information on tailoring your package and if you would like to be contacted when our next program begins.
Bonnie’s brings 30+ years experience as a chaplain, pastoral counselor and spiritual director. Her personal and professional experience in healthcare, palliative care and hospice, integrative wellness programs, leadership roles, workshops and retreats have served to bring healing in herself and others.
Bonnie’s mission has always been to integrate psychology and spirituality to care for the whole person. Her Doctor of Ministry studies were in Transformational Counseling and Spiritual Direction with a focus in “Art of Discernment”.
You are called to be authentically you!
The Daring Way™ method is based on the research of Brené Brown, Ph.D. LMSW. Dr. Brené Brown is a research professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work. She has spent the past twelve years studying vulnerability, courage, worthiness, and shame. Her groundbreaking research has been featured on PBS, NPR, CNN, and Oprah Winfrey’s Super Soul Sunday. Further information is available at Brené’s website: